Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So close...

Today is May 4th. That means 16 days until I am done with high school and 24 days until I graduate. 20 days until Hillary comes home. 39 days until the Phoenix concert. 109 days until I go to college. Wow. 109 days ago was January 15th. I don't particularly remember January 15th of 2010, but it doesn't seem like THAT long ago. In that same amount of time I will be heading off to Nashville, and it feels like forever away.

AP exams are no fun...especially when you have no motivation to study for them. AP Gov? A joke. My total study time for that amounted to somewhere around one hour. Granted, it is supposed to be a semester class so there wasn't all that much to cover in the first place. Even still, I probably could have put a tiny bit more effort into it. Unfortunately, it is MAY of Senior year. Studying is absolutely the last thing I want to do (case in point). I'm ready for Summer!!

Yes, Summer! So exciting. Although I guess if you think about it, it won't be much different than my life has been lately. I'll get to sleep in later, but then still be just as bored all day, every day. I still will have 0 people to hang out with in Charlotte, and I won't even have homework as a fall back in case of serious boredom. Looking at it that way, I just might be wishing for some more high school in a month or two. Ugh.

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