Thursday, April 29, 2010

Class of 2014

Vanderbilt University Class of 2014! All I need now is my new email and I'm set. Finally...the whole college process was such a drag, especially having to wait from December to April. After 13 years of schoolwork, extracurriculars, SATs, ACTs, and 11 college essays, I'm done. Phew!

APs next week...not a lot of motivation there. Calculus and Government should be a breeze with limited review the night before. English is just going to be long and annoying--I've already accepted my 4 on that one.

A little let down maybe that I'm not going to beach week? We have OM Worlds the weekend before and then I have to leave for Coastal Explorers a few days later, so there isn't any time unfortunately. Not that I really had people to go with or really any desire to just spend more time with my grade. Let's face it, graduation will be the last time I see a majority of the CLS Class of 2010. It's been fun, but good riddance.

Monday, April 26, 2010

High School

Oh high school...15 days left. AP exams are all next week though, making this effectively the last week of classes. I have 4 more days of Math, English, and History at the very least, and Physics and Spanish have never actually been real classes. Funny how an "honors" class can be so slack. I started going to this school in 1997 and I've gone to Latin 5 days a week, 9 months a year for each of the past 13 years. Needless to say, I'm ready to get going.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Vandy was....awesome. Rites of Spring was insane, almost a little too much so in fact. On Friday we saw Cold War Kids (not too bad), Phoenix (freakin aamazing), and Drake (...). Drake definitely left something to be desired, and I did not frankly expect much from him in the first place. Half the time he was talking to the crowd, and the other half he was singing 30 second clips from random songs--most of which were way too slow. But overall still great stuff.

Vanderbilt on its own was great. The Pancake Pantry definitely lived up to the hype, as did Rotiers--although next time I think I'll opt for something other than the spaghetti? Weird choice, not sure why I got that. The campus is really really nice and easily walkable, it was almost surprisingly small at first but I guess there were parts that we never went to. The Senior dorms (The Towers) were big but really old and kind of shitty, especially the room we stayed in. But Freshman housing is supposed to be insane and Sophomore housing seemed good too so I'm not that concerned. I am definitely ready to go next year now!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

To blog or not to blog?

Blog? Sure, why not. I used to "journal" all the time, so this seems like it should come next in the natural progression of things. It is 2010 after all, who still writes stuff down anyways?

Going to Nashville tomorrow...Vanderbilt seems like a pretty sure thing at this point. Still weird to think that it is where I'll be living for the next 4 years of my life. I haven't lived anywhere but here since I was 5! I'm not usually huge on the whole change thing, but I absolutely cannot wait.