Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh Perry...

This is from, an interesting insight into Mr. Perry's jobs claims:

During an interview with Glenn Beck just two and a half months ago, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) claimed it’s impossible for the government to create jobs. “Government doesn’t create any jobs. They can actually run jobs away,” Perry said.
Leaving aside the fact that Perry is a government employee himself, he has had to change his tune now that he’s running for president. In fact, Perry bragged during a speech today that, as governor, he’s helped create lots of jobs:

[President Obama] has failed to create jobs by relying on bigger government. I’ve helped create a million jobs during my tenure as Governor of the state of Texas.

Of course, Perry left out the darker side of job creation during his tenure as governor. Texas has the nation’s worst job creation record when adjusted for labor force growth, and between 2008 and 2010, jobs actually grew at a faster pace in Massachusetts than in Texas. In fact, 26 states have lower unemployment rates than Texas, and “Texas has done worse than the rest of the country since the peak of national unemployment in October 2009.”
Perry’s state does, however, lead the nation by having the highest percentage of minimum wage jobs. And when it comes to government jobs, Texas is in no short supply, as between 2007 and 2010, 47 percent of all government jobs were created in Texas. In fact, under Perry’s watchful eye, government jobs grew twice as much as private sector jobs.
But any way its sliced, Perry is now taking credit for creating jobs, when just a few months ago he thought he had no power to create jobs.

Nice! Sad thing is, most people will only hear that he has created x amount of jobs while the US has lost x amount of jobs, and vote based on that.

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