Sunday, July 11, 2010

Death Cab

Much has changed on my iPod since I first heard Tiny Vessels--on a CD made by Liz Fuller no less--and fell in love with Death Cab. They have come out with 2 new albums, I have graduated from middle school and high school, and my music listening device has improved from my old black and white 8 GB iPod to my new 32 GB iPhone.

Recently, I've fallen in love all over again. At one time in my life I was convinced that Death Cab was the love of my life, but as I grew up and found new music my love for them slowly faded. I guess you could say I take them for granted sometimes. But no matter what happens between us, I inevitably end up listening to them again and remember exactly what drew me to them in the first place. Death Cab is more than just comfortable for me, they know me. They've been with me for years and I think I'm different for having listened to them all these years.

With every album I listen to again, I'm flooded with a new group of memories and emotions that are hard to put into words. I think that is a lot of why I always liked them--their music, as lame as it sounds, just kind of connected with me. When I hear "Coney Island" I can remember exactly how I felt at certain times in my life when I would listen to that song, I just can't remember when that was or what was going on at that point. It's weird.

As long as I've liked Death Cab I've always had an internal debate about which of their albums was my favorite. Transatlanticism is the obvious pick, what with both "The Sound of Settling" and "Tiny Vessels" it seems almost unfair. But there's also We Have the Facts, Plans, Something About Airplanes, The Photo Album...I don't know if it's really possible to choose a favorite at this point. Let the debate rage on I guess, all I know is that I really, really, REALLY like Death Cab for Cutie.

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